Why Remove Illegal Posters From Your Property?

5 min readSep 18, 2020


Poster removal in Melbourne costs the city and private individuals hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. Bill posting is classified as graffiti, which is illegal everywhere in Australia, including the city of Melbourne. However, illegal billposting is on the increase. This is despite the fact that heavy fines and even jail time are imposed on offenders.

Why are bill posters a problem?

There are a number of reasons why bill posters are a problem. Here we list our top 5:

1. The costs

Illegal bill posters are put up to advertise or promote events that you may not want to be associated with. They may damage your reputation as a company and reduce traffic. Some people think it is an easy and cheap way to promote their gig, party or festival. The reality is that bill poster removal in Melbourne costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove from unlawful locations such as lamp posts and the sides of buildings. Someone has to carry these costs.

2. Difficult to remove

Illegal posters and stickers are other forms of vandalism. In addition, they deteriorate much quicker than graffiti and become unsightly fast. If not removed, one poster can attract 10, if not more! The layers of posters can build up quickly and become much more difficult to remove. In some cases, industrial glue is used which is hard to remove and can have a negative impact on your property.

Hyperlink this image to Poster Removal Landing Page

3. Community impact

Illegal posters make buildings look dirty and run down, which attracts other illegal activities. Poster removal in Melbourne helps drive down crime in local communities and protects both public facilities and private properties.

4. A threat to the environment

Illegal posters are often printed on cheap quality paper which degrades quickly, especially as they are exposed to the elements. The posters will peel off the surface they have been glued to and end up as litter in our streets. This litter then either ends up in our landfills or in our drains, which then pollutes our waterways.

5. Remnants are there to stay

While the promoters and bill posters are quick to advertise their event across the city, they’re not coming back to remove the posters anytime soon. If the council or private business (or individual) do not remove the posters, the remnants are there to stay. The poster remains will attract other bill posters and even acts of graffiti.

Our top 5 reasons are by no means exhaustive — please add your own reason why illegal bill posters are a problem in our city in the comments below.

What can I do to remove an illegal poster?

Of course, you can try removing the illegal posters your self. You can try scrubbing your walls with hot soapy water. But do you have the know-how, the equipment and the time to tackle this?

Calling the council is another option. However, the key to successful poster removal is to act fast!

Professional poster removal services will save you time and money. If you call Ablate we will remove the illegal posters within one day.

The benefits of calling Ablate for poster removal in Melbourne

By hiring our services, Ablate guarantees that your job will be done quickly and in the right way. We offer the following guarantees:

  1. No Damage. We can remove illegal posters from virtually any surface without damaging it.
  2. Specialists. We employ highly qualified technicians who have experience with multiple types of surface restoration.
  3. Value. Poster removal will reduce costs in terms of reducing the chances of future illegal advertising.
  4. Time We are available 24/7. When you call we will remove the illegal posters within one day.

Hyperlink this image to Poster Removal Landing Page

The Poster Removal Procedure:

While inspecting the site where the illegal posters need removing, an Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHSM) inspection will be carried out. Once the OHSM evaluation has been completed, we start by protecting the work area by cordoning off the area to be cleaned with safety cones.

Our team will then remove as many posters as possible by hand and with the use of scrapers. Once the loose material has been removed, the remaining scraps are blasted off with pressurised hot water. The pressurised hot water will dissolve the remaining glue residue and leave a clean surface. Lastly, we collect all the waste and put in the trash.

If we cannot remove the glue residue by cleaning with pressurised hot water only, we have the option to apply a mild chemical cleaning solution to achieve perfect results.

We can offer the poster removal process on a number of different types of surfaces. These include brickwork, cement, wood, painted surfaces and even glass windows without causing any damage to the original surface.

Fix my problem now!

Are you are looking for poster removal services near me? If you are in Melbourne, and your property has become the unfortunate victim of a bill poster attack, make sure you contact Ablate for a FREE no-obligation quote!




Ablate is a company specialised in graffiti removal, the application of protective coatings, and hard surface cleaning, including poster removal.